There are many reasons why you should check your digital footprint before job searching. Done well, Read More…
Improve your social media presence while job searching
Social media has become a part of our everyday lives and more recently become a key factor within the workplace, recruiters can use social media alongside your application to check if you are the right fit for their company. Read More…
How to use Twitter to develop your online brand
Having an online presence plays a role in helping your applications stand out, so it’s important Read More…
How to use LinkedIn effectively
It can no longer be denied that social media is a huge influence that has now Read More…
How to stay motivated while job hunting
Job hunting can be a laborious and time-consuming task, with so much to read, prepare and Read More…
How to use social media to help you get a job
Finding a job is incredibly competitive. It’s a good idea to utilise as many channels as Read More…