Assignment management changes
Unitemps is changing how it manages assignment dates to more accurately reflect work patterns.
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Assignment management changes
Unitemps is changing how it manages assignment dates to more accurately reflect work patterns.
What changes are happening?
Unitemps is changing how it manages assignment dates to more accurately reflect work patterns. These changes will take several forms:
- The most noticeable change will be that assignments will be automatically closed if no timesheet is submitted for 4 or more weeks. You will be notified in advance of the closure so that you can submit any late timesheets. There is no option to keep assignments open for longer than this. Instead, if you do arrange to do more work with your hiring manager, just remind the hiring manager to request a rebooking with Unitemps once you have a confirmed return date.
- Once an assignment is closed a claim for outstanding holiday pay will be automatically made for you within 7 days. This will ensure that you do not miss out on any holiday payments that you have earned. Once processed this will appear on the website in the same way as a normal holiday timesheet. Payment will be processed with the next available payroll (please note that the payroll deadlines still apply and if a holiday timesheet is created after the payroll deadline then it will processed in the following payroll).
- The website will stop accepting timesheet submissions for more than 4 weeks ago. Please note that under your terms and conditions you are expected to submit your timesheet weekly.
- Some changes have been made to booking in emails and assignment closure emails. If you are working in a cluster of related assignments you may receive more documentation than in the past.
What if I am booked into several assignments?
We are aware that some areas book candidates into multiple related roles (for example: a separate role for cleaning different buildings; or different roles for different project budgets). In these cases the automatic closure rules will consider all related roles before closing any assignments. This means that if you have worked in one of your cleaning roles in the last 4 weeks you will be considered active in all of them so none will be closed.
What if I am off sick or on jury service for an extended period of time?
Please provide a fit note or letter for the jury service to your Unitemps consultant so that this can be logged against your record to avoid you appearing as inactive. For your branch’s process please visit the Information Hub.
What do I need to do?
Timesheets must be submitted weekly by midday on Monday for the previous week’s shifts so that your manager has time to authorise your timesheet and so that payments can be made on time. If you are contacted about an inactive assignment being closed please do not be concerned and just take the following steps if you plan to work again with your hiring manager:
- Wait until you have a confirmed date that you will begin working again on
- Ask your hiring manager to contact your Unitemps branch to book you into new assignment
- Wait until you have been rebooked before starting work again
If you are contacted about an inactive assignments but do not plan to work again you do not need to take any action. If you wish a P45 to be issued please request one from your branch.
Will I need to redo my Right to Work check?
This will depend on whether you have left the payroll or if your previous right to work check has expired. If a new check is required you will be contacted by the Unitemps consultant before you are booked into your new assignment.